Category: Sustainable Living

Nature Quotes

Nature Quotes

A carefully curated collection of quotes celebrating the love of nature and life, and nurturing a deep appreciation for our world.

Freezing Strawberries

Freezing Strawberries

Freezing strawberries is an easy way to reduce food waste, save money, and always have healthy fruit around for smoothies, baking, and snacks.

How To Freeze Mango

How To Freeze Mango

How to freeze mango for easy smoothies and snacks. Plus, what to do with frozen mango, including our favorite frozen mango smoothie recipe!

How to Make Leaf-Shaped Crayons

How to Make Leaf-Shaped Crayons

Looking for something fun to do with the kids while staying home this Thanksgiving? It’s time to upcycle those forgotten crayon pieces into new crayons shaped like autumn leaves!